Sponsor awards SCS2025 Register below to sponsor an award for Swedish Chemical Society Conference 16-18 June in Stockholm (SCS2025). Registration for sponsor awards SCS2025 First name: * Last name: * Journal/Univ/Company etc * Department: Zip code: * Town: * Country: * E-mail: * Cellphone: I would like to register for award sponsoring: * Presentation award (10 000 SEK excl. VAT) Poster award (3 000 SEK excl. VAT) OtherOther I would like to send a gift. Yes No Please send the gift etc to Swedish Chemical Society (REF: SCS2025) Godsmottagningen, Skeppargatan 37, 11452 Stockholm, Sweden Upload Journal/company/organization logo Drop a file here or click to upload Choose File Maximum file size: 516MB Complete invoice information, including reference * Other information to the organisers: Agreement: * Yes, I agree to storage of my personal data according to Kemisamfundets personuppgiftspolicy Send If you are human, leave this field blank.