Registration for sponsors “on site” SCS2025 Registration for Sponsors "on-site" - SCS2025 First name: * Last name: * Univ/Company etc * Department: Zip code: * Town: * Country: * E-mail: * Cellphone: Dietary requirements: I would like to have a room at Steam Hotel Yes, single room Yes, shared room No, I don´t need a room For shared room, please indicate below the name of the person. Name of the person in the shared room. I would like to stay the following nights at Steam Hotel The night 15-16 June The night 16-17 June The night 17-18 June I would like to have conference dinner the 17th of June (included in the sponsor fee) Yes No Other information to the organisers: Agreement: * Yes, I agree to storage of my personal data according to Kemisamfundets personuppgiftspolicy Send If you are human, leave this field blank.