Registration for keynote price winner, SCS2022 Registration for keynote price winner, SCS2022 First name: * Last name: * Univ/Company etc * Department: Town: * Zip code: * E-mail: * Cellphone: * Title on my presentation: * Abstract upload * Släpp en fil här eller klicka för att ladda upp. Välj fil Maximum file size: 516MB I need accomodation the following night/nights (Elite Stora Hotellet in Linköping). 19 June - 20 june 20 June - 21 June 21 June - 22 June 22 June - 23 June I would like to attend the conference dinner (free) Yes No Dietary requirements: * Agreement: * Yes, I agree to storage of my personal data according to Kemisamfundets personuppgiftspolicy Text If you are human, leave this field blank. Send