Register for SCS2025

Welcome to register below for the 3rd National Meeting of the Swedish Chemical Society: SCS2025, which takes place at Steam Hotel in Västerås 16-18 June 2025.

The registration fee includes conference participation, food and beverages (lunch and coffees 16-18/6 and dinner on Tuesday 17/6) and accommodation at Steam Hotel (16-18/6 including breakfast) unless otherwise noted. 

Register here:

Registration SCS2025
I am a member of the Swedish Chemical Society (Svenska Kemisamfundet)
To become a member of the Swedish Chemical Society, please visit

Registration for SCS members

Type of participant
NB! To increase your chances of getting a room at Steam Hotel (the conference site), register before 5 February.
The person that I will share a room will attend the conference.
There is a reduced fee for accompanying registration: 3500 SEK (excl. VAT). The fee covers accomodation and meals.
I will attend the dinner on:

Registration non-members

Type of participant
NB! To increase your chances of getting a room at Steam Hotel (the conference site), register before 5 February.
The person that I will share a room will attend the conference.
There is a reduced fee for accompanying registration: 3500 SEK (excl. VAT). The fee covers accomodation and meals.
I will attend the dinner on:

Preferred presentation

Invoice information